Monday, December 14, 2009

The Life of the Cultured Part the Second
Well last afternoon after a relaxed morning Liv and I hit the town. We started with a roam about the very crowded Covent Garden.

 Saw some raindeers

Took a shot of the sun going down, as you do.

Then we went to St Paul's Cathedral for a Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten.
A-MAzing.... He set music to pieces of poetry including Robert Southwell. It's very strange to hear his poetry in one of the most important Anglican Churches in England. We thought we weren't supposed to take pictures  but after the performance EVERYone was so we thought we'd take advantage of this!

Because who knows when we would be allowed to do it again!

Then we walked to the other side of the river, taking pictures as we went.

Artist at work...

Then our night of culture continued with a performance of Othello in the remains of The Rose theater, where Shakespeare and Marlowe etc performed. It was a contemporary setting and a really good performance.

Then we walked home ... and nearly died of cold. And yes, we took pictures on the way!

You know, London is pretty damn awesome sometimes.

1 comment:

Meg said...

A photo of a reindeer - you may have surpassed yourself, Mon.